
Showing posts from April, 2017

200K ++ URL 415++ XML File Google Index Report

Sobat Pesona Dunia, kali ini saya akan berbagi mengenai proses pengindexan url pada Search Console sebanyak 200K lebih URL yang disubmit. Posting terkait sebelumnya :  Indexing 200k Plus URL Blog Konten . Saya sendiri belum memahami bagaimana cara kerja google webmaster tool melalui Google Botnya dalam cara mengindex sebuah website. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan dalam proses ini: Submit list url tersedia pada domain dengan cara submit Sitemap, sesuai guideline gunakan sitemap index supaya lebih ringkes. Submit url satu per satu ke halaman google submit url, bisa melalui search console dengan login ke dashboard terlebih dahulu ataupun langsung ke form submit url. Khusus yang ini harus submit satu per satu url yang tersedia. Kebayang 200k+ url satu persatu? Pegel. Cara pertamalah yang saat ini saya jalankan. Lebih simpel dan lebih mudah monitoring apabila ada report link error pada sitemap yang disubmit sehingga memudahkan pula untuk memanage halaman mana saj...

EXPLAINED! : How to Use Color Palette in Web Design

As we're know there are many tool p.s colour palette generator online and no matter what urgently are the pallete can we acquire easily in just 1,2,3. If you're now act as programmer and doing some web design project then this simple article will help you easier to understanding in how to implement color palette code onto your desire project.... Color Palette for Web Design. I see a lot of people commenting things like "there's no right answer" which I (sort of) disagree with... There's certainly at least one right answer, maybe a few and I'm sure there's a bunch of wrong answers too, good design is about reaching the best possible solution based on the resources and time available to you And surely such a solution is going to outweigh several alternatives. You've given us a colour palette for the purposes of discussion so, I'm going to do just that and answer your question based on the supplied colour palette . (Given I haven't...

Auditing systemd : How To Solving Failed Units with Systemctl Centos 7

Auditing systemd Solving failed units with systemctl Systemd is an alternative service manager to the more traditional init system. To ensure the system is healthy, failed units should be investigated on a regular basis. Sooner or later a unit might fail and showing up the systemctl listing. In this article we have a look at how to solve it. How To Solve solving failed units with systemctl Command to show : systemctl --failed Why do services fail? During the start of the system, enabled services are started and queued to be executed. Most processes will start correctly and systemd logs the related status in the journal. However, in some cases a service might enter a “failed state”, as a result of another command not finishing properly. [root@localhost ~]# systemctl systemctl --failed UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION * auditd.service loaded failed failed Security Auditing Service * httpd.service load...

Indexing 200K Plus URL Blog Konten

Pernah gak sih kalian berfikir sekali saja bagaimana caranya supaya sukses meng-index 200 ribu lebih url sebuah web? Pasti jawabannya tidak.. Iya kaaan... Sebab saat ini hanya ane yang sedang mencoba lakukan itu. Berbicara tentang website atau blog maka otomatis berbicara mengenai isi dari web tersebut dan selanjutnya ketika berbicara mengenai konten sebuah web maka secara langsung salah satu pointnya adalah tentang index konten. Menulis, mmenyiarkan dan membaca ulang sebuah artikel karya bukan sebab berhasilnya karya tulis tersebut terdaftar apda list halaman yang disimpan google. Pun begitu, bilapun sudah mengikutialur "biasanya" dengan submit sitemap ke google search console belum tentu url dari konten tersebut dirayapi apalagi sampai ditampilkan apda halaman index pencarian google search. Banyak perjuangan tak kenal lelah harus dilakukan hanya demi memuluskan proses dan hasil dari index google ini. Percuma berbicara SEO ONPAGE dan SEO OFF PAGE kalau konten karya...